Scripture Lists

Scripture Lists

Searching for God’s Word on a particular topic?

♦The best way to build your faith is find scriptures in the Bible that have to do with the issues you are facing. But, compiling a list of scriptures on our own can be time consuming. Use these scripture lists to jump start your faith and achieve your spiritual goals!

♦Did you know that meditating on scripture ( reading it over and over again throughout the day, thinking on it through out the day, and even speaking it out loud to yourself several times a day) is a great way to build your faith!

Click on the topic below to see a collection of scriptures to read  and meditate on:

God’s Love for Me


My Identity in Christ


Praise! Praising God through the Psalms



Victory Over My Circumstances

Not seeing what you are looking for? Feel free to use the contact us form and let us know the topics you are interested in.

If you would also like a list of scriptural based confessions by topic click here.